O’REILLY Learning「Software Architecture for Busy Developers」5-7
Chapter 5: Design Patterns and Clean Architecture
We will more specifically cover the following topics:
・Understanding design patterns and their purpose
・Reviewing the Gang of Four (GoF)
・Delving into the most recurrent patterns and applying them to a use-case scenario
・Looking at clean architecture
・My top 10 code smells
・Single-responsibility principle (SRP)
・Open-closed principle (OCP)
・Liskov substitution principle (LSP)
・Interface segregation principle (ISP)
・Dependency inversion principle (DIP)
GoF(Gang of Four)
hexagonal architectureとonion architectureの長所を再集合したもの。
My top 10 code smells
・Memory leaks will for sure lead to process crashes
・Improperly disposed objects
・ORM usage
・Security flaws
・Object lifetime
・SOLID compliance
・Proper exception handling
・In-memory caching, session state, and more
Section 4: Impact of the Cloud on Software Architecture Practices
Chapter 6: Impact of the Cloud on the Software Architecture Practice
More specifically, we will cover the following topics:
・Introducing cloud service models, the cloud, and cloud-native systems
・Mapping cloud services to architecture styles and patterns
・Reviewing cloud-native patterns
Software as a Service (SaaS)
Function as a Service (FaaS)
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Containers as a Service (CaaS)
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Anything as a Service (XaaS or *aaS)
→IDaaS( Identity as a Service)・DBaaS( Database as aService)等
・Command Query Request Segregation (CQRS)
・Event sourcing
Section 5: Architectural Trends and Summary
Chapter 7: Trendy Architectures and Global Summary
More specifically, we will cover the following topics:
・API-driven architectures
・Hands-on with a microservice architecture example
・Hands-on with a serverless architecture example